Playing With Colour Wash paint from Tattered Angels

I have had this little pot of magic for a while now but because I don't tend to use a lot of yellow I have been avoiding it. Well I am avoiding it no more and have used it on a few different items. It really is a great little product. This stuff will go a long. long way. I really did have a good play on different items and surfaces and I still have just under 3/4 of the bottle left.

I did no prep on any of the items I covered and this little tray/frame was less than a £1 it was really rough and grainy in texture but the paint still covered it easily, giving you great coverage but still leaving you with all the bumps, wood grain, and texture. Over that, I applied & Gypsies Rub-Ons, this went onto the wood and the paint with no problem what so ever. Now I just need to decide what I want to do with it 😊

I also used it on this coated wicker basket, I thought the shine on wood may have interfered with the paints ability to cover the wood, but it covered everything fine, it was a little more fiddly needing extra layers and a lot messier as it was dripping on and around the holes/weave in the basket.

I also covered a string of three hearts. the hearts had white paint on them already and had been distressed. The paint still covered everything really well with the white, distressing and grain showing through. I removed the picture frame centers from the hearts and added little paper flowers that I also painted with the same colour wash paint.

I also played around with the paint on other bits and pieces, like chipboard shapes, paper, card, metal, it went well on everything except maybe the metal depending on how much of a change you were going for but it definitely left behind a yellow sheen. 

xx Gemma xx


  1. Absolutely gorgeous Gemma.
    Hugs Julie xxx

    1. Thank you Julie, it really is a fun little product.


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